安裝示意圖 | iCam® PRO 超高畫質數位攝影機 | Remedial system recommended by the Rehabilitation Association | Nursing schools, digital tutoring classes, online remedial classes, on-demand video, remedial classroom planning and design, online appointments, appointments, remedial classes, action learning - BlueEyes Technology Group

iCam® PRO 攝影機安裝於輕鋼架天花板

iCam® PRO 超高畫質數位攝影機 安裝於輕鋼架天花板示意圖

iCam® PRO 攝影機安裝於水泥牆壁

iCam® PRO 超高畫質數位攝影機 安裝於水泥牆壁示意圖